About Us

Ra-Bytz is a stand-alone trust-project.

Administered by members and friends of the White Rabbit Trust, Ra-Bytz is primarily available to members of those comprising the wider “Family”
[see the menu at the foot of this web-page for details].

Ra-Bytz is money. When R-Day comes, Ra-Bytz will be traded and exchanged as you would exchange any other form of money. 

What is Ra-Bytz?

Crypto-Currency is nothing new. 

We like to think that Crypto was devised to overcome the obvious problems associated with the established system of “money” creation and control.

Ra-Bytz is different.

Ra-Bytz is not only backed by substance, it is a tool which can be used to literally FLIP the GAME on its head.

Ra-Bytz is Money you can Trust!

We’ve created a methodology by which Commercial Lien Assets (“CLAs”) are converted into Money you can Trust.

To understand why Ra-Bytz is Money, you need to understand what Money is: Click Here to Learn More.

To understand the magic (and the equity) behind the conversion process: Click Here to Learn More 

How Ra-Bytz Came to Be:

Many years in the making, Ra-Bytz was conceptualised, primarily, as a method by which the SYSTEM could be turned on its head, whilst simultaneously enabling the creation of an “alternative” currency which is backed by substance.

It was created by TheSpaniard of White Rabbit Trust. 

Since the idea was first launched on You Tube in 2018, many have tried, and failed, to replicate the idea. 

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